Frequently Asked Questions
“With so many required subjects, will I be able to fit band into my schedule?”
All high school students are required to take one full year of Fine Arts to graduate. Band counts as that graduation requirement. Additionally, Niceville HS is on a 7-period day which allows students to fit in the most class choices. Some subjects can be put off until your junior or senior year when less is required and there is even more room in your schedule. Since you have to take a Fine Arts course anyway, it might as well be band!
“Band ‘takes up a bunch of time’. Will I have time to study?”
Nearly 300 band students have proven that time is available. Many students in band are at the top of their class, in honor society, etc. This year we had 3 of the 7 National Merit Finalist for NHS. We placed over a dozen band members into division 1 universities last year on full scholarship – most of whom are NOT music majors. They were recruited to those schools because they played their instrument so well and their grades were so HIGH! Band members learn to manage their time. The marching band generally rehearses only 2 days a week during the first 12 weeks of school. You will get your homework done if you manage your time appropriately!
“Can I be in sports and band?”
Yes. Sometimes we have to work out schedules, but it can be done. We have students in EVERY sport EVERY year! Band students are given a calendar of events for the entire year to know ahead of time when band activities/performances are planned. If you plan to participate in a sport, we encourage you to plan judiciously especially if it is one that takes place during the first 12 weeks of school (the approximate length of the marching season). We offer the Fall Sports Alternative Course of Study for those involved in a fall sport that directly conflicts with marching band. (call the band office for more info on this program).
“I’m in middle school and have never marched before. Will I be able to do it?”
There are many past 9th graders in the Niceville Band right now who asked themselves the same question, but tried it and were glad they did. The NHS marching band camp takes place 2 weeks before school starts and is required. During that time we will teach you marching fundamentals and more advanced playing fundamentals as well as learning music for the fall, issuing uniforms, and will basically get you ready for the high school band. If you have a positive attitude and are willing to learn, you will do fine!
“I’m tired of band – should I quit?”
After all the years and $$ you have invested, you are now getting to the point where you are good enough to really enjoy it. High school band is so different from the middle school experience. In the past years we have performed in the Rose Parade, the Fiesta Bowl Parade, the College Band Directors National Convention, the National Adjudicators Invitational and the Loyola University Concert Festival. The Niceville Band is one of the best in the nation and is getting better and more exciting every year. We need you to make it happen. Don‟t drop out now when you‟re on the threshold of getting the most out of it and enjoying it to the fullest. At the very least, try band in 9th grade!
“I’m not sure if can afford the financial commitment of high school band. How can I tell if I can?”
We have among the lowest fees in a three county radius. In addition, we offer financial assistance to those who need it and a variety of fund raising opportunities to pay down your nominal band fees. Our Band Booster organization is among the most solvent in Northwest Florida.